Creating Your Online Course on Udemy

If you haven’t created your course yet, follow the steps below. If you have created your course (video, audio, text or presentation), however, skip to Step 2: Producing your Course.

Step 1: Plan Your Course

Planning your course is the first step on your course creation journey and it’s very important to provide yourself with a solid foundation for building the rest of your course.

  • Decide what you want to teach. You probably have an idea of what you want to teach, and now it's time to get really specific.
  • Identify what you want your users to learn from your course. Determining this now will go a long way in helping you create a great course structure.
  • Scope the content of your course to ensure that there is enough content for users to engage with and achieve their objectives. This is also where you think through how you want to organize your content.  Be sure to conclude each section with either a quiz or a summary to sum up what users have learned.
  • Break down your course into smaller, bite-sized lectures and describe what they each need to accomplish.  This step is to help you get more detailed about your content, and break it down into individual sections and lectures. Write a lecture description for each lecture, summarizing what users will learn.

Step 2: Produce Your Course

This is the most important part of your course creation process.

  • As you're creating your lectures, consider different types of users. Video lectures should alternate between the different lecture types and also between presentation styles such as “talking head”, slides, screencasts and drawing boards. Upload your promotional video so that users can preview your course.
  • We strongly encourage you to include practice activities throughout the course to keep users engaged--at least one per section. These can take many different forms depending on the content, but may include quizzes, case studies or projects. For more in-depth information about practice activities, take a look at our course: Official Udemy Insights: Adding Practice Activities (please note: you can access this course by searching for it in your Udemy for Business account)
  • Use the bulk uploader to upload your videos into your course.  You can also use the uploader to upload any other resources you’re including (supplemental resources, PDF, audio, or presentation lectures). Once your videos are uploaded, go through your outline and associate the videos with the correct lecture.

Step 3: Polish Your Course

In this step we’re talking about making your course ready for publishing.

  • Craft a compelling course summary  
  • Take another look at your course title, and add in a subtitle.  
  • Create a course image that meets our guidelines.

Step 4: Publish Your Course

Admins: You are ready to publish your course!

Non-admins: you will need to submit the course for review and an admin will need to approve it for publishing.

21 Lessons

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Overview and Revenue

Overview and Revenue

The Tools Needed

The Tools Needed

Creating A Udemy Course Outline

Creating A Udemy Course Outline

Instructor Support

Instructor Support

Udemy Promotional Resources

Udemy Promotional Resources

Transfer Outline To Slides

Transfer Outline To Slides

Outline Each Module

Outline Each Module

Recording Video Modules Part-1

Recording Video Modules Part-1

Recording Video Modules - Part 2

Recording Video Modules - Part 2

Editing Video Modules

Editing Video Modules

Creating Audio Modules

Creating Audio Modules

Editing Audio Modules

Editing Audio Modules

Creating Text Modules

Creating Text Modules

Creating Text Modules - Part 2

Creating Text Modules - Part 2

Uploading Modules

Uploading Modules

Interactive Elements from Your Cloud Drive

Interactive Elements from Your Cloud Drive

Interactive Video Mashup

Interactive Video Mashup

Interactive Curriculum Elements

Interactive Curriculum Elements

Descriptions and Course Review

Descriptions and Course Review



Bonus E-Book

Bonus E-Book