The Future Is Now Watch Preview

No one has the crystal ball yet but it is obvious the future will be nothing we can ever imagine.
The CoVid-19 is the ultimate disruptor of business, perception, branding and learning.
How shall we respond? How can we be positive about the future and march on confidently

Speaker: Andrew Chow
Title – Get ready for the Future of Work
Synopsis – The Future of Work is shaped by both Digital Transformation and the Disruption caused by the current CoVid-19 Crisis. Work will evolve, jobs will be transformed and tasks will be automated. Are you prepared for the Big Shift? This talk gives you an overview of the changes you need to make and the future of your personal branding

• Digital Transformation versus Disruption
• The Future of Work in 2025
• The Personal Development Roadmap for the Future Challenges

Speaker : Dr Wendy Liew
Title – Your Choice to “Expel or Excel” Your Personal Brand Presence
Synopsis – Your BRAND appears. Talk. Grab attention. Promise. Create Experience. Thrill and Mesmerize. They are in your life forever. Your brand is your business and your business is your brand! Customers will recognize your company, your product, your service, and your status through your brand. You can build an incredible brand through messages, images, and ads but whether you realize it or not, your company is creating this reputation with everything that you, your affiliates, and your employees do. So, are you consistently living up to your brand or have you created your Brand Presence right?

• The need of creating the right Personal Brand Presence
• How the cultivate authenticity of personal brand
• The future of Image & Brand Management

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The Future is NOW

The Future is NOW - Andrew Chow, CSP

Personal Branding - Dr Wendy Liew

Infographics on the Future of Work